Two Resurrections or Four?
Apart from the special resurrections of 1 Ki 17:22. 2 Ki 13:21. Lk 7:14. 8:54. Jn 11:43. Acts 20:10. etc. which could more correctly be called 'resuscitations' and 1 Cor 15:20,23. which clearly states that Christ is the first-fruits. I understand the Bible to teach two resurrections as to type, the first is unto 'Life' and the second unto 'Judgement', and four resurrections as to time;
1. In Thessalonians, Paul 'distinguishes' the 'secret' rapture of the 'mystery' Church, from the globally seen, public 2nd Advent. Still a mystery to most preachers and teachers of today, Our Lord would have similar words to say to them as to Nicodemus in John 3:10. Those that are raptured are caught up to heaven.
2. I think Ezekiel's valley of dry bones illustrates a progressive resurrection, early fulfilment being of national Israel after 70 yrs captivity and later of national Israel in 1948/67 as having flesh and sinews but no (spiritual) life and, yet future of national Israel being given breath (spiritual life) at the 1290 days of Dan 12:11, this includes all believing Israel through all time, but excludes those in the Church already taken in 1. above and individuals included in 3. below. (I am not at all sure when those of this dispensation of grace who have believed only the Gospel of the Kingdom will be resurrected but as believers I think they would be included in this one. On the basis of the foreigner in Exodus 12 and the sheep from among the nations of Matt 25:32 but like I said, I'm not at all sure. Yet! Perhaps someone can help.) These are raised to enter into the Kingdom.
3. The final resurrection unto 'Life' is of those who have been 'slain' on account of their faith (Rev 6:9,10) this, I think, occurs at the 1335 days of Dan 12:12, believing Israel of all time is again in view, plus many who have believed during the post rapture years. These too are raised to enter into the Kingdom.
4. The fourth and final resurrection is unto 'Judgement', where the dead (unbelieving Jew and Gentile of all time) are judged according to Paul's gospel (Romans 2:16). These are raised to everlasting destruction (2 Thess 1:8,9).
2. I think Ezekiel's valley of dry bones illustrates a progressive resurrection, early fulfilment being of national Israel after 70 yrs captivity and later of national Israel in 1948/67 as having flesh and sinews but no (spiritual) life and, yet future of national Israel being given breath (spiritual life) at the 1290 days of Dan 12:11, this includes all believing Israel through all time, but excludes those in the Church already taken in 1. above and individuals included in 3. below. (I am not at all sure when those of this dispensation of grace who have believed only the Gospel of the Kingdom will be resurrected but as believers I think they would be included in this one. On the basis of the foreigner in Exodus 12 and the sheep from among the nations of Matt 25:32 but like I said, I'm not at all sure. Yet! Perhaps someone can help.) These are raised to enter into the Kingdom.
3. The final resurrection unto 'Life' is of those who have been 'slain' on account of their faith (Rev 6:9,10) this, I think, occurs at the 1335 days of Dan 12:12, believing Israel of all time is again in view, plus many who have believed during the post rapture years. These too are raised to enter into the Kingdom.
4. The fourth and final resurrection is unto 'Judgement', where the dead (unbelieving Jew and Gentile of all time) are judged according to Paul's gospel (Romans 2:16). These are raised to everlasting destruction (2 Thess 1:8,9).
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